For Art Lovers, Europe has many places for you to enjoy. Whether it is France, Italy or Spain there is so much to choose from. I have a cousin that is a painter and spent many early years in Paris. He also went to Florence which is a haven for artists.
While I love Italy and its culture, France is my second home. Whether you are in Paris and go to Musee D’Orsay for the impressionist paintings or you go to the South of France there is so much to see.
In less than an hour from Paris one can go to Giverny where Claude Monet Spent is last years painting. His home is now a museum. His gardens are magnificent. I have been there several times. The last time being the summer of 2017. We had rented a car in Paris for two days. One of the days we went to Giverny. Below are some photos from Monet’s home and gardens. I hope that you enjoy them.